Dorset Women CIC

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Join Our Conversation

We need to talk! There is a lot to do and we need to be talking about it. There are many ways in which you can join our conversations.

Subscribe To Our Mailing List

Sign up to the Mailing List to receive regular updates on our work, hear about opportunities to get involved and to keep up to date with other relevant information. Sign up here.

Follow us on Social Media

We give regular updates on all our socials. It’s another great way to hear about what we’re up to and to comment and have your say on our work. By liking and sharing our content you are also showing your support and helping to spread the word about the issues we are talking about. Find us on all the usual platforms @DorsetWomen or scroll down for the links.

Take Part in our Consultation Exercises

It is essential that we, and other, hear your voice and understand your views and needs. They are critical to the way we prioritise our work and take action on your behalf. 

So why not get involved and take part in one of our consultation exercises. We also regularly share the consultations of our partners – see list below for consultations that are currently active.


Dorset Women’s Charter “I’m In!”

  • Have you signed up to give your support to the Dorset Women’s Charter? This short questionnaire asks you to tell us a bit about yourself (in order that we can be sure we’ve heard from as diverse a range of women as possible) and then invites you to say “I’m In!”
  • The more women that say “I’m In!” , the more ‘power’ we have to get the Charter adopted and supported by the decision makers, leaders and influencers in our county. Sign Up Now! (link to the questionnaire).

Dorset Women’s Health:

  • We are currently working with NHS Dorset and a wide range of other stakeholders, to talk about Women’s Health in Dorset.
  • To do this work well, and to ensure that we meet the needs of women in Dorset, we need to know what you think.

Have your say here. 


Domestic Abuse in BCP 

  • BCP Council are seeking your views about lived experiences of domestic abuse, and about the services they provide to support people who have experienced domestic abuse. There are two surveys. You can find them both here
Dorset Maternity and Neonatal Voices:
  • If you or your partner has been pregnant or had a baby in Dorset in the last 12 months, please complete the survey from Dorset Maternity and Neonatal Voices and tell them about your experiences.
  • Your feedback will help them to celebrate great care, and to make Dorset maternity and neonatal services better for all. You can click here for more info

Tell Your People About us!

One of the most helpful things you can do is tell people about what we are doing and encourage them to get involved. The more people we have behind us, the more effective we can be.
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