Working Groups

Join a Working Group

We have a number of working groups, most of which are aligned with the 10 subject areas of the Dorset Women’s Charter. If you have a particular interest in area of these subjects, drop us an email at [email protected] to find out how you can join the Working Group.

  1. Inclusion and Identity: This group’s aim is to take action to ensure that ALL women in Dorset are able to express their identity free from discrimination and experience equity of opportunity.
  2. Society, Leadership and Politics: This group’s aim is to take action towards achieving 50:50 representation for women anywhere that decisions are made, towards reducing societal gender bias in areas like housing and transport and towards achieving fair and equal support for women with additional or complex needs. It has a Task Force and is one of our most active groups.
  3. Health, Menstruation and Menopause: This group’s aim is to take action towards improved healthcare for women in Dorset working with partners and stakeholders.
  4. Reproductive Health, Pregnancy and Baby Loss: This group, along with the subject above, has an active Task Force for Women’s Health and meets regularly.
  5. Raising Children, Childcare and Caring Roles: This group’s aim is to take action towards enabling women and their families to take on caring roles of any kind without discrimination, disproportionate burdens or barriers. The work is informed largely by the organisation Pregnant Then Screwed.
  6. Safety and Justice: This group’s aim is to ensure all women in Dorset are safe at all times, and have a fair experience of the criminal justice system whether being protected or prosecuted. This group has an active Task Force with a range of stakeholders and supports a huge range of activity being carried out by many across the county.
  7. Education: This group’s aim is to ensure all women and girls have access to an equal range of educational opportunities and men in educational institutions and at work.
  8. Economics and Employment: The remit of this group is to consider the evidence and experiences of women at work. It includes issues relating to technology, male dominated environments and how gender inequality affects the economics of local communities.
  9. Arts, Culture and Nature: This group works with stakeholders working in these areas to ensure women are represented and given equal access to arts, culture and nature.
  10. Physical Activity, Sport and Leisure: This group works with stakeholders working in these areas to ensure women have equal access to, benefit from, and resources are equally distributed to, their physical activity, sport and leisure.
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