Dorset Women CIC

Join Our Team

Join Our Movement

We love our growing network of incredible women. More women are joining our movement all the time for different reasons, for different projects or to simply support the work we are doing. 

We hold meetings from time to time to update people on our work, to consider a particular issue, or to invite people who have been involved in our projects to come together, to network, to support each other and to celebrate the great things happening for women in Dorset.

Our next meeting will be a general update meeting and take place in January 2024. If you’d like to be involved, email us at [email protected]


We are an entirely voluntary organistaion, so all our roles are voluntary positions.

Could one of them be just what you’ve been looking for? All our roles have a Role Description that describes what is involved and we ask all volunteers to sign a Volunteer Agreement that sets out how we support you in your role.

Ambassador: As an Ambassador you will help us to achieve our aims with your existing networks, visibility, experience, background, skills or ambitions. You will likely have a specific area of interest which has synergy with our work. You must align with our values and be able to promote our aims and work programmes objectively, without prejudice or discrimination and work within our governance arrangements particularly as they relate to Safeguarding, Equality and Data Protection.


Social Media Volunteer : Could you spare a few hours a week to help us with our social media? We have a lot\ to say and just not enough time to say it

Representative: There are SO many meetings we ‘could’ attend across the 10 subject areas of the Dorset Women’s Charter and beyond. Do you have a particular area of interest? Could you be our ‘woman on the ground’ and attend an occasional meeting to represent us


education image

Researcher: Everything we do is based on evidence. We need your help to research the facts and figures for our work.



Administror: There is a lot of admin and paperwork involved in what we do, from answering emails, introducing new people, ensuring our policies are up to date, designing our reports or sending out newsletters. Could you do one of these tasks? We’d love your help



Intern: If you are looking for a placement in a passionate social justice organisation? Do you have a few months to spare or just fancy giving a bigger chunk of your time? We are always on the lookout for interns. In this role you would assist us more comprehensively with our projects and take on a lead role for a specific goal that we are working towards.



Trainer: In 2024 we will begin our programme of educational activities. We are looking for Trainers to join our team. Eventually these will be paid positions, but we need volunteers now to help us put the prospectus together, test out content and talk to prospective clients. Could that be you?


If you are interested in any of these roles, OR, if you have a skill or experience that you think could help us in a different way, drop us an email at [email protected] and let’s kick off a conversation. We’d love to hear from you, whatever you have to offer.

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