Dorset Women CIC

Join the Empowerment Network

Join the Dorset Women's Empowerment Network


In 2024 we will be creating our Empowerment Network, designed to match women who have something to offer, with women who could use an injection of power.

You can join the Empower Network either to GIVE as a mentor, coach or buddy OR as someone who needs to RECEIVE an injection of power from a mentor, coach or buddy.

We will be working closely with charities and other community groups and schemes who are in contact with women who could really use an empowerment boost. The kinds of women we are thinking of are young women, refugee women, older women, women in prison, single mums, new fempreneurs, new mums, women who have experienced domestic violence or women who have experienced other forms of abuse or discrimination. 


To give women the empowerment boost they need, we will be recruiting women who are in a more energised situation who could be mentors, coaches, buddies or 1-2-1 peer supporters. These women will offer their time and experience FREE OF CHARGE.

To become a Mentor. Coach or Buddy you will need to demonstrate that you align with our values and our trans-inclusion policy and have the relevant insurances in place. You will need to show your understanding of safeguarding and data protection. You will need to have contact details that you are willing to share such as an email address or mobile phone number and be in a position to offer time to your participant free of charge. We suggest a fortnightly or monthly 90 minute commitment.

We will provide you with an information pack that outlines the terms of your relationship with your matched participant and requests information about skills and experience.. You will need to sign an Empowerment Agreement with your partner that explains the expectations, boundaries of the relationship and timescale. We will match you with a participant based on your skills and areas of interest and the requirements of the woman who needs an injection of power.

We also request that, at that end of your time together, you provide us with a summary of your journey for our records.


To receive empowerment support you will need to have contact details that you are willing to share with your mentor, coach or buddy such as a mobile phone number or email address. 

You will also need to sign an Empowerment Agreement with your mentor, coach or buddy that sets out how your personal information is protected, the boundaries, code of conduct and expectations of the relationship. It also includes information about what to do if you are in need of urgent or crisis support.

The only requirement is that you have identified your own need for an injection of empowerment – perhaps you have an ambition you don’t know how to achieve, or you feel trapped by circumstances, or maybe you feel you lack in skills you need to learn in a situation you are in. We will ask you to complete a form that tells us about what you are hoping for, in order that we can match you with the right mentor, coach or buddy to meet your needs.

Please email us at [email protected] for more information

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